AIVO Travel Grants Program: request for support for conference/event travel.
AI Institute researchers may use this form to request prior approval for subsequent reimbursements of expenses for traveling to a conference or event. AIVO will reimburse the researcher personally up to the amount approved. For any questions, please email committee chair Dillon Watring ( and cc AIVO (

  • $3,000 is available to each institute through June 30, 2024. An additional pool of $50,000 ($2,000/institute average) opens up on July 1, 2024 and can be used through June 30, 2025. 
  • The managing director or equivalent at each institute must decide how these funds will be allocated (meaning that if Institutes want to fully fund a small number of travels or partially fund a larger number of travels). 
  • To encourage participation in this program, unused funds from each $3,000 allotment are rolled over on July 1, 2024 into a pool from which each institute will have access to 1/25 of the new total.* This form can be used more than once, as long as your funding cap allows for it.  
  • This is a cap on approved reimbursements and not a grant. 
  • For accountability, each institute's project manager or equivalent needs approve the request before the committee can approve the request. The default workflow will be for the committee representative or AIVO Program Admin to contact the program manager for authorization of the request and a description of the current accounting
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Name *
National AI Institute *
University *
Position type *
If other position type, what position?
Email *
Travel Details
  • Eligible activities include both domestic and international conferences.
  • Details of travel must be included on this form.
  • Reimbursements to the researcher's host university/entity cannot be processed, so the researcher needs to pay for the trip personally, and will then get reimbursed up to the amount approved. 
  • Receipts need to be saved and digitized.
  • Reimbursements will be processed by AIVO staff via UC Davis' travel reimbursement system and policies.
  • Airfare must be Economy (not first class or business) and need to be normal/typical advanced purchase rather than last minute fares. 
  • Hotels are reimbursed up to a maximum of $333 base before taxes and fees (but taxes and fees can be reimbursed) and meals at $79 per diem. Domestic travel reimbursement guidelines are here:  Domestic Travel | Supply Chain Management ( Meal and incidental policy is here:  Meals & Incidental Expenses | Supply Chain Management (    Allow at least a month prior to the event for this request for approval, so that optimal pricing can be secured. There are specific international rules for reimbursements related to per-diem, etc. which can be found here:  Foreign Travel | Supply Chain Management (
  • If the approved costs are less than the actual amount requested after the trip is completed, then the reimbursement will be made with the approval of the institute PI or PM, subject to the institute's allotment cap.
  • Graduate student/post-doc and faculty only, we strongly encourage this funding opportunity to be used for graduate and post-doc researchers but this decision will be up to the managing director or equivalent on an institute basis, not to be used for undergraduate or HS level.
Starting location of traveler. If direction of travel is international->US, then enter the international collaborator's starting location. *
Destination of traveler.
Name of conference or event. Reason for travel. Must include its URL. *
Approximate start date of travel *
Number of nights' stay
Clear selection
Estimated airfare
Estimated total hotel including taxes and fees
Estimated rental car cost
Estimated other costs including conference registration if any
Total amount requested to be authorized *
AI Institute Leadership Approval Name *
AI Institute Leadership Approval Email
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