TA Summer Program - Application for Youth Interns
Thetford Academy high school students and recent alumni are invited to apply for youth intern roles in TA's summer program. Youth interns will work alongside the summer faculty and will serve as peer tutors and project leaders. The stipend is $50/day for 22 days (20 days of the program in July and 2 prep days in June).

Read more here about the TA Summer Challenge program: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rB4FD6Gb9rcjXIuHuOPeLqqWnB1oc9tOQM7jL9-MpJE/edit?usp=sharing
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Email *
Name *
TA Class of *
My primary interest is:
Batalkan pilihan
I'm interested in the following specific project(s). Check one or more: *
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Batalkan pilihan
My preferred age group is:
Batalkan pilihan
I have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to tutor students in the following areas: *
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Related experience that might tie into my effectiveness with the summer program: *
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Please elaborate on any of the above experiences and what they've taught you. Also feel free to describe other relevant experiences you have had that were not captured in the list above. *
Why are you drawn to this opportunity? What are you looking forward to? What can you bring to the team? What are some of your special ninja skills that will help you succeed in the role? *
One adult at TA who you think could best attest to your potential as a youth intern: *
Room for any additional thoughts, questions, etc.
Weeks I want to work. (Check all that apply.) *
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