Recommendation Request Form
Hello students, to expedite the letter writing process, please use the form below to provide me with crucial details that you would like to include in your letter of recommendation. Please provide at least a three weeks notice for any letter request. After you have completed this form, please email all relevant material (unofficial transcripts, resume, personal statement, etc.) to me at
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First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Pronouns
When is the Letter Needed? *
Highest Degree Held *
Current Status at Howard University *
What is (was) your Major and Minor? *
My Role *
Courses Taken with Dr. Daniels *
Semester and Year for First Course Taken with Dr. Daniels *
Highest Grade You Received in a Course Taught by Dr. Daniels *
Honors and Awards
Relevant Work Experience (Details that Should be Highlighted in Your Letter)
Relevant Courses (Details that Should be Highlighted  in Your Letter)
Relevant Computer Skills (Details that Should be Highlighted  in Your Letter)
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