美東中文學校協會Association of Chinese Schools
"2022-2023 美東會員入會註冊表格 ACS Membership Registration Form

會費支票郵寄至 Please mail the check to:

ACS 2023
1013 Ballintree Lane
West Chester, PA 19382 

支票抬頭: "Association of Chinese schools"
Please make the check payable to "Association of Chinese schools".
跳票處理手續費: $20.00
Any checks returned to ACS by the bank will be subject to a $20.00 handling fees.

下列必填電郵一項: 要填校長電郵。美東協會將用校長電郵來聯繫各校。The email provided below should be principal's email.  Principal's email will be used as the contact to communicate with school.
登入 Google 即可儲存進度。瞭解詳情
電子郵件 *
地區/州名 Region/State *
中文校名 (Name of School in Chinese) *
英文校名 (Name of School in English) *
會費 (Membership Fee/School Only) *
學校通訊 (School Contact) *
1. 上實體課的學校請填地址 in person reopen: school address  2. 上網課的請填通訊地址 remote reopen: PO Box etc.
校長中文名字 (Principal's Chinese Name) *
校長英文名字 (Principal's English Name) *
校長郵件投寄地址 (Principal's Mailing Address) *
校長行動電話 (Principal's Mobile Phone Number) *
校長電子郵件 (Principal's E-mail) *
校長辦公室電話 (Principal's Office Phone Member)
使用語言(Languages Taught at School) *
學生人數 *
分班等級或年級分佈 (Class Level or Grade Offered) *
中文班數目 (The Number of Chinese Class) *
文化課(才藝班)(Cultural Class) *
課外活動類別(The Extra-Curricular class) *
使用教科書(Textbook) *
請勿利用 Google 表單送出密碼。
這份表單是在 Association of Chinese Schools 中建立。 檢舉濫用情形