School Planning Survey 2020-2021
School Reopening Planning Survey 2020-2021
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School Reopening Planning Survey 2020-2021 School Year
Our Willow River Area School staff are working hard to make our return to school safe and welcoming for all. We have new cleaning plans in place for classrooms, hallways, and equipment. We are creating schedules and seating arrangements that will reduce close interactions between students. Our students and staff will have continued training on proper hygiene and hand washing procedures. Safety is our number one concern as we bring all our students back to our classrooms for enriched, in person learning.

The district advisory committee is requesting Willow River Area School families complete this school planning survey to assist the district in preparing for the upcoming school year.  Per state guidance, we are currently planning in-person learning.  This scenario could change at any time. During these scenarios, transportation capacity for the district is very limited. We are asking our parents/guardians, who have the ability to drive their child(ren) to and from school, to do so.

Thank you for your continued support and confidence in our commitment to our students.  
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
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