日本国際経済学会 準会員申込フォーム  (JSIE Associate Membership Application Form)
*本制度の問い合わせ先:日本国際経済学会本部事務局「準会員」担当宛  e-mail: jsie1950429@gmail.com
(If you wish to apply for Associate Membership, please review the Associate Member Internal Regulations and fill in the required fields in the application form below. After verification by your recommender, we will notify you of your approval if there are no issues. Associate Membership is valid until the end of May of the following fiscal year. If you wish to continue your membership in the next fiscal year, please be aware that you will need to reapply for membership for that period. Please also note that students enrolled in doctoral programs, including the second stage of split doctoral programs and integrated doctoral programs of the third year or higher, are not eligible for Associate Membership. Such students should apply for “Student Membership” via a membership application form available on the JSIE website. For inquiries regarding Associate Membership, please contact the "Associate Member" section of the Japan Society for International Economics Headquarters Secretariat e-mail: jsie1950429@gmail.com)
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Email *
氏名 (full name) *
所属大学名 (Name of University) *
課程名 (Course Name) 
ex) 経済学研究科( Graduate School of Economics)
学年 (Grade) *
推薦者氏名 (Recommender's name)
本学会の正会員1名の推薦が必要です (A recommendation from one regular member of the JSIE is required.)
推薦者メールアドレス (Recommender's email address) *
希望所属支部:所属支部から研究会等の案内が届きます。 (Preferred branch: You will receive information about seminars and other activities from your affiliated branch.)
この申し込みフォームで申請を終えた後、在学証明書あるいは学生証の画像を jsie1950429@gmail.com 宛てにメール添付でお送りください。
 (After completing this application form, please attach a picture of your student ID or certificate of enrollment and send the application and picture to jsie1950429@gmail.com via email.)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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