IMRC Center Student Staff Application
The Innovative Media Research and Commercialization (IMRC) Center is considering applications for the 2023/2024 academic year. To learn more about the IMRC Center, please watch the following video.
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About IMRC Center at the University of Maine
How often is IMRC Center hiring? 
We consider applications from interested students year-round.

Where can I see IMRC Center job descriptions?
Job descriptions are accessed from the next page. Please note that graduate and undergraduate positions have separate descriptions.

Can I focus on a specific area in IMRC Center as part of my job?
IMRC Center team members have opportunities to specialize in focus areas, varying from person to person. All roles share some common elements and essential responsibilities, regardless of focus area. For example, we all support each other, the IMRC Center, and our students, faculty, and guests.
Your Name: *
Do you CURRENTLY have a work study award? *
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