Terps in Space Mission 15b (virtual) interest form
Terps in Space will commence, VIRTUALLY, in Spring 2021! Terps in Space provides an opportunity for students to gain real-world research experience by proposing and designing microgravity experiments that compete for a chance to be sent to the International Space Station! We will contact interested participants with an invitation to a virtual program orientation session (to be held in January 29, 2021. A recording will be made available to those who weren't able to attend orientation).

Timeline (tentative):

Spring 2021 (virtual):
Student teams of 2-4 students work with a mentor to design and propose an experiment. This involves literature research, experiment planning, and gathering preliminary data. In May, three finalist teams will be selected.
Note: Non-finalist teams will conclude their participation in the program having gained a semester of independent, student-driven research experience.

Summer 2021-Fall 2021:
The three semi-finalist teams will have time to further develop their proposals and, optionally, do preliminary experiments. In December, the winning team will be selected.

Spring 2022:
The winning team will conduct lab work to optimize their proposed experiment, and then load their experiment and ship it to be flown to the ISS.

*Note: Teams can be self-assembled. We will assign you into a team if you sign up for the program solo. Since this iteration of the program will be partially virtual, we recommend signing up as a team

Feel free to contact Nicole Catanzarite <ncatanz@terpmail.umd.edu> or Daniel Serrano <dsvolpe@umd.edu> with questions.
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First name *
Last name *
Email (UMD email address preferred) *
What's your UM institution? *
What is your level of certainty that you will participate in Terps in Space Mission 15b? *
Experiment development and proposal writing will occur *virtually* in Spring 2021. If your team is selected as one of the three semi-finalists, would you be willing and available to go into a UMD laboratory between Summer 2021 and December 2021 (assuming that research restrictions and safety issues due to coronavirus are addressed)? *
If your team is selected as the finalist team, would you be willing and available to go into a UMD laboratory between December 2021 and Spring 2022 to assemble your experiment (assuming that research restrictions and safety issues due to coronavirus are addressed)? *
If your team is selected as the finalist team, will you (or at least part of your team) be willing and available to go into a UMD laboratory between Summer 2022 and December 2022 to analyze your experiment after it returns from ISS (assuming that research restrictions and safety issues due to coronavirus are addressed)?
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Are you interested in signing up as a team or solo? *
If you picked "Team - I already have my team-mates", list your team-mates' first and last names.
For a head-count, do you plan on attended the virtual program orientation session to be held in December of January?
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(Optional) Please provide any comments or questions about the info/questions above:
(Optional) We are recruiting for this Terps in Space mission under different social conditions. Do you have any recommendations on how we can reach out undergrads for recruitment without having the ability to use physical flyers?
Thank you for indicating your interest in Terps in Space Mission 15b. Below are optional, demographic questions. Answering these questions will help us put together teams, and with our recruitment efforts.
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As of Fall 2020, what is your class standing?
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What semester and year do you anticipate graduating from college?
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What is the degree you're seeking? Be as specific as possible and include minors, if applicable
Why are you interested in participating in this program? What is your motivation? What would you like to get out of the experience?
How did you hear about the program?
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