Office Family Feud
Family fued for office employees
What is a common phrase you migh hear in a virtual meeting?
Name a typical excuse people give for not exercising
What is the best part about working from home?
If you live to be 100 what do you think you'll be doing on a saturday night?
What is the best part about working from office?
What is a small thing you can do to make your coworker's workday better?
Name an occasion when you might buy your coworker a gift?
Name a food that you would be excited to find in the office kitchen?
What is something that people bring to the office but never use?
What is the first thing people do when they reach their workplace?
Name something that people forget at the office
Name something people do to unwind after a busy week?
Name Something you shouldn't hold while driving?
Name something that helps people get through their workday?
How do people spend their time after work?
Name something that people accidentally forget to bring to work?
Name a reason whey you might be late for work?
Name a reason why people say being a child is better thatn being an adult?
Name an occassion where as a child our parents forced us to wear special outfit/dress?
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