SGAD MN 2024- Special Olympics Summer Games 6.21
Join SGAD and the Special Olympics for the Summer Games as Fans In The Stands. Yup, you heard me...we are the cheer section for all the track and field athletes!

Who: Special Olympics mission is to create a new world of inclusion and acceptance for people with intellectual disabilities. They do this by providing year-round sports training and athletic competitions, inclusive healthcare programs, leadership and advocacy training, and inclusive school programs.

When: Friday, June 21 from 1:00pm-3:00pm, with a free Surly beer to follow

Where:  Stillwater High School
5701 Stillwater Blvd N
Oak Park Heights, MN 55082

What: We will be cheering on all the athletes loud and proud as they compete!

Someone will get back to you within 48 hours to let you know if you have a volunteer spot or not. If you do not hear from anyone, check your junk mail.

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