Quantum promises to governments

Today, nations worldwide see quantum technology as means for national security and economic growth. While academics strive for international collaborations, governments worried about restrictive export laws and information leakage seek the independence of their quantum industries. Simultaneously, governments promise to sustain expertise exchange as local talent is limited. Chinese and European governments are promised by quantum an opportunity to leap-frog American techno-dominance. The US government is promised by quantum an opportunity to re-assert itself.  But why is the quantum program one of nation-building, and for what nations? When we say “nation,” who are we referring to? Who benefits from the connections between governments and quantum science? Who is responsible for the uses of quantum technology, and what does it mean to have a “science first” national R&D agenda? How are governments incentivizing overhyped quantum promises? In this discussion, we will shine a light on these questions, ask ourselves how we got here, and start discussing how we can create research agendas that go beyond ideas of deterrence and arms races.

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