You have been asked by a student who is applying to participate in the Future Nurses Program being held during the summer of 2024. This is an amazing opportunity for students showing interest in a nursing career.
The purpose of the program is to prepare students for the rigors of nursing school, teach them what to expect, help them identify their desired specialty and give them the confidence to pursue nursing as a successful career.
This form is confidential and is not shared with the applicant. We understand that no student is perfect, so your honest and open communication is critical as students will be participating with other students and health professionals. All applications are blind-scored, and your response will be scored as part of the whole application.
Please fill out the attached form as soon as possible. We must have all forms before
May 3, 2024.
If you have questions or additional comments, please contact me at
kristina.lahosa@gmail.comThank you for taking time to help us choose the best candidates for the program.
Ms. Kristina Sloan
8100 Hwy 71 South
Alexandria, LA 71302
318.619.2971 |