Intermountain Sustainability Summit Student Poster Contest Submission Form
Thank you for your interest in the Intermountain Sustainability Summit poster contest. Posters must be based on a student project for a class, or internship that relates to sustainability, and include the name of a project mentor or adviser.
There are two steps to submitting a poster:
1. Complete this form
2. Send a copy of your poster file to

Students whose posters are chosen to be displayed will receive free admission on the main Summit day, March 19, and be entered to win cash-card prizes. Up to two students who have contributed to the poster can be admitted to the main Summit day for free.
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Email address *
First name *
Last name *
University or College *
Phone number
Zip code *
Please provide the name of your research adviser or mentor. If your research is for a class, provide the name of your professor. *
What is your adviser's/mentor's email address? *
Please provide a brief abstract of your poster topic. *
Which Category is your poster representing? *
Have you sent your poster file to It is optional, but highly increases the likelihood of selection. *
If your poster is selected, do you plan to attend the Intermountain Sustainability Summit on Thursday, March 19th? *
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