How to reach goals in your professional life?
In small & selected groups of ~5 participants you'll better understand what you want & how to achieve it. The first session takes 1h and includes following 4 core elements:
  1. Clarified and conscious awareness of current career situation
  2. Understanding habits, decision frameworks and mindset systems which support you to go in the right direction and to get things done
  3. Test application of learned systems to a personal situation
  4. Ideas for a personal plan how to achieve goals in the next months and years

Who can participate? My own examples where I tried out the shared systems come mostly from the tech world, but everyone who would like to exchange ideas and strengthen the professional goal muscle is welcome.

How will the coaching session be? Our online coaching session will start with a bit of homework where you can prepare yourself mentally to get the most out of the 1st hour. The session itself will be interactive including presentation sections, group work and discussions.

What happens after the coaching session? You'll get access to all course materials and become part of the alumni community where we continue to exchange ideas, experiences and learnings.

What do others say about the coaching session? This is a new format and idea I am trying out based on the requests I got during the last months. Once we completed the first sessions you can leave your feedback here.

How much does it cost? Other coaching sessions often begin at 150€, but since I started this project on the side for fun, it'll be 15€ mostly to ensure everyone shows up and brings a minimal level of interest to learn.

You would like to connect, ask a question and/or stay up-to-date?
Sounds good? Looking forward to meeting you!
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Please select at least one of the following dates, time is always 7-8pm CET (Munich Germany): *
What is your name? (First and last name please) *
What is your cell? (Please include country code with leading zeros) *
Please share your LinkedIn profile url: *
Payment of 15€ *
See you soon!
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