Kids & Young Adults Mindfulness & Good Vibrations
"Teaching kids to look after their minds is just as important as teaching them how to care for their bodies.

Introducing children to meditation early on — along with establishing healthy sleep routines and limiting screen time — can help them learn how to calm their minds and use healthy coping mechanisms for the rest of their lives.

But sometimes, getting a toddler, preschooler, or even an older child to sit in quiet stillness is not as easy as it looks. That’s why you need to keep meditation on their level.

Here, we explore the basics of meditation, benefits, and tips on how to give children of all ages the tools they need to practice."


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Whatsapp / Contact # *
How old are you Kids / Young Adults / Early Teens *
Ideal Day & Time for your Kids to attend ? *
Have they had any experience in meditation or yoga previously ? *
Have you attended any Sound Healing sessions with us ? *
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