Witchcraft II Application – HPS Sellena
Class begins Saturday, June 7, 2025. This class will be conducted in-person near Jackson, MS (address provided after registration acceptance).

Witchcraft II is the second in a five-degree system of training for the modern witch in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition. Acceptance into the program automatically grants Honored Membership into the organization of The Temple of Witchcraft. Assuming there is sufficient enrollment, the future levels, three through five, will be offered for this class group in each subsequent year. Graduation at level five can result in ordination through the Temple of Witchcraft religious organization, but ordination is a separate process and is not guaranteed.
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Contact Information
Please complete all questions.
First Name *
Last Name *
Magickal/Craft Name (if any)
Street Address *
City *
Mailing Code *
Country *
Email *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contact *
Whom should we contact in the event of emergency? Please provide name, relationship, phone number, and email (if available). Also, is this person aware you are studying Witchcraft?
Please take as much space as needed to answer these questions.
Witchcraft 1 is a prerequisite for this course. When (month and year) did you complete Witchcraft 1, and who was your teacher? *
What do you feel is your greatest asset in the study and practice of witchcraft? *
What do you feel will be your greatest challenge over the course? *
Do you suffer from any outstanding medical or psychological issues that you feel might impair your studies?   *
Are you prepared to make a commitment to this course and training for the year? *
The study of witchcraft can bring up personal issues and seemingly unrelated life circumstances that are challenging. These issues are to be worked through during the course, not avoided. The teacher and fellow students are making a commitment with you for a year, and you, in turn, must take that commitment seriously and work to the best of your ability. Exceptions and accommodations can be made for those in serious need, but you should be confident in your ability to complete the year. Please inquire with the instructor if in doubt.
Have you experienced any significant life-changes in the year prior to this application?
If yes, please describe the nature of this experience and if you feel it will affect your class performance.
Do you have any questions about the course or this application?
Availability of Training
This training is open to people of all races, sexual orientations, gender identity, ethnicity or background. We do reserve the right to refuse admittance to those who do not possess the necessary stability or health to safely complete the program and we reserve the right to refuse graduation certification to any and all that do not fulfill the course requirements to the best of their abilities. The course requires a level of self-responsibility, discipline and introspection to successfully complete.
This training is not a substitute for medical care or psychological counseling. Students are wholly responsible for their own physical and emotional well-being and care.  Students are also wholly responsible for their emotional or other reactions to meditation, ritual or shamanic journeying work. Support by peers and teacher is provided, but if you require outside support and facilitation via a counselor or therapist, make sure such support is in place BEFORE starting the course.
Confidentiality Agreement *
All private materials related to this course (i.e. those materials not available or for sale to the general public) are under consideration for future publication or release, and thereby must be kept private, used only by students currently enrolled in class. By enrolling in this class, I acknowledge that I may have access to confidential information relating to the traditions, books, products and business activities of Christopher Penczak. I understand that disclosure of this information to third parties would cause substantial detriment to Christopher Penczak’s ongoing business.I agree that I will not, during my apprenticeship engagement in this apprenticeship or at any time thereafter, disclose to any third party any confidential material, including writings, files, artwork, designs, formulas and audio material. I will likewise keep material shared by other students in the apprenticeship, personal or professional, confidential unless otherwise given permission to disclose such information by said party. Apprentice groups should be confidential places where people feel comfortable sharing information and experience.
Applicants will receive a PayPal invoice for payment of their deposit and their remaining course fee once accepted into the course. Those students not accepted will have their deposit refunded. Full course payment is non-refundable once the course has begun.You agree to respect the bounds of the payment plan outline for the course and honor your educational, spiritual and financial commitments.

Although highly unlikely, the instructor reserves the right to terminate any apprenticeship due to misconduct, disrespect or other great incompatibility and a pro-rated portion of the funds will be returned if payment is made in advance at the instructor’s discretion.

By signing this form and registering for this class, you certify that you are of legal age and agree all the information above is accurate to the best of your ability, you agree to abide by the Non-Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement and to participate in the format and structure of the class, completing all assignments and class work to the best of your ability. Electronically submitting this form with your name on it will be considered the equivalent, legally and morally, as a signature.
Legal Name *
Date Submitted *
Signature *
I understand that submission of the above information constitutes a digital signature and is legally binding
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