Registration for ITCR Training Network Workshops at Fred Hutch 2024
We are planning a cancer informatics workshop series for April 29th. This event will be sponsored by the ITCR Training Network ( 

There will be 3 in-person workshops as a part of this series. Lunch is included for all workshops
Workshops are interactive and include hands-on activities pertinent to the topic. Workshops will take place in Weintraub Building B1-072/074. Please bring your laptops and be prepared to participate! You can register for one or more workshops. 

Please note that we will cap each workshop to the first 30 people who sign up. 


Workshop 1: Data Management & Sharing Plans for NIH Proposals (April 29th 10:30 - 12 PM) - Sharing is vital for the scientific community and new mandates are being put in place, but how do we set ourselves up for success at the grant proposal stage to ensure plans are effective, secure, and manageable? 

Topics covered:

  • Understand why you should be thinking about the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy for incoming proposals
  • Learn how to frame your NIH proposal and budget to meet the new requirements
  • Explore template text and tools that will help make writing your plan more straightforward 

Workshop 2: AI Considerations for Research (April 29th 12:30 - 2:00 PM) - What is  possible with AI? How do we use AI safely and effectively? --- Registration for Workshop 2: AI Considerations for Research is now closed as we've reached the max capacity for this workshop. 

Topics covered:

  • Introductory fundamentals about how AI works and different kinds of AI
  • Research and day-to-day task possibilities with AI
  • Considerations for avoiding harm when using AI
  • Strategies and solutions for integrating AI solutions into a project
  • Upcoming governmental regulations

Workshop 3: Write Smarter with LaTeX & Overleaf (April 29th 2:15- 3:30 PM) - This workshop is designed to help researchers and trainees write scientific articles in a more efficient and collaborative way. LaTeX and Overleaf are particularly useful for scientific researchers who may want to write scientific manuscripts and be able to reformat the manuscript easily for different scientific journals.

Topics covered:

  • What are LaTeX and Overleaf and why are these useful?
  • How to get started with a template for arXiv

Email *
What is your name? *
What is your institute?
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What department or division are you a part of?
If you are at Hutch, what lab are you a part of? (if not applicable, please write NA) *
Please briefly describe your work (in one sentence). 
What best describes your title? *
Which workshop(s) are you planning on attending?  *
Which lunches associated with the workshops are you planning on attending?  *
If you are attending lunch, do you have any dietary restrictions?
If you answer "Allergy" or "Other" as a dietary restriction, please describe. 
What topics are you most interested in learning about for the respective workshop(s) you are planning on attending? (Example: I’d like to learn about how to AI laws and regulations). We will do our best to focus on topics that are in highest demand.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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