2024-2025 Private Lesson Financial Aid Application

Pflugerville Panther Band 

This application is intended to be used for the sole purpose of providing financial aid for qualified individuals to take private lessons for the academic school year.  Students must meet all criteria and maintain good standing in the band program.  Please read all sections of this application and submit all required documents when requesting assistance.  Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Contract Expectations

  • The student will be present, prepared, and on time for all band practices and performances.

  • The student must remain academically eligible.

  • The student will demonstrate his/her commitment to the Pflugerville Band program by making individual progress on the instrument, equipment, and/or performance each week through consistent home practice.

  • Parent/Guardian/student or other adult family members will be required to volunteer a minimum of 3 events for PHS Band Boosters volunteer opportunities throughout the 2023/2024 school year. Events include football game concessions, chaperoning, fundraising opportunities, show events, prop construction, etc. You will be required to sign up to volunteer on the Charms calendar/platform.

  • A background check is required for some volunteer areas. Please apply through this webpage. https://www.applitrack.com/pflugerville/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Volunteer

  • Previous year(s) financial balances must be zero at the time of application.

  • Student and/or parent will notify private instructor 24-hours in advance if a lesson cannot be attended.  Missed lessons by the student without prior notification will be paid by the student and billed through the Charms system.  Emergencies and sickness are the only exceptions.

  • Students will remain in the lesson program for the duration of the school year.

***If the student withdraws from the band program before the completion of the school year, the student/parents/guardian will reimburse all awarded financial aid to the PHS Band program.

Financial aid given is based on a decision made by the PHS Band Program Director and financial aid committee. Pflugerville Panther Band, Pflugerville High School, and Pflugerville Independent School District are not liable for award decisions. All applicants will remain anonymous through the application process except for by the Pflugerville HS Band Director, and members of the financial aid committee. PHS Band Director will make financial aid notifications by phone or email.

Student & Parent/Guardian Instructions:

  1.  Request Private Lesson Financial Aid Application packet from Band Director.

  2.  Student and Parent/Guardian:

    1. Read all application materials

    2. Submit application form BY August 19, 2024 

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Email *
Student Last name *
Student First Name *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Student email address: *
Concert Instrument *
What is your grade level for the 24-25 school year? *
Parent/Guardian email address: *
Parent/Guardian phone number: *
How many years total have you participated in any school band program? *
Do you currently qualify for free/reduced lunch? If yes, documentation may be requested.
What is your current high school GPA? (If you are a current freshmen, please use your 8th Grade GPA)
Why are you a member of the Pflugerville Panther Band?
Describe your current and future plans regarding participation in the Pflugerville Panther Band.
Describe your circumstance that would limit your ability to fully pay for private lessons.
I have the ability to pay $______________ towards my private lesson per month.
STUDENT and PARENT/GUARDIAN agree to the above terms if awarded financial aid for the 2024-2025 school year. 
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