Grade 8 Physics Week 19 Pressure
This task should be completed before 8.15 Wednesday May 13th 2020. It is designed to be started during the lesson and completed for homework. If you spend more than 30 minutes on it, stop! Fill in random answers and tell me in the comment section how far you got.
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In this task you can use a unit convertor online to help with the calculations. Just google for one !
1.  What is the SI unit of pressure ? *
1 punt
2. What is the approximate average atmospheric pressure on Earth, at sea level *
1 punt
3. a)What is today's atmospheric pressure where you are ? (look this up on any weather website, and remember to include the unit) *
3 b) What is this pressure in Pa ? *
4. a) Check your bicycle tyres - what pressure should they be ? Remember to include the unit. *
 4 b) What is this pressure in Pa ? *
5. What is the atmospheric pressure on Mars in Pa ? (You need to look this up) *
6. On Earth, what is the pressure (in Pa) at 1 km under the ocean's surface ?  (Again, look it up.) *
7. What pressure is needed to make diamonds (in Pa) ? *
Do you have any feedback or questions ?  Include your email address if you want a response. You will get a number for the quiz when you send it. *
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