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Liau_WCW Feedback
Please respond to the questions below with as much detail as would be helpful to the author in revising their essay. All responses will be sent to the author as typed, so aim to be both clear, specific, and constructive (which is not the same as exclusively positive!).
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Upon learning the "topic" of this project and reading the title/thesis/opening material, what were you HOPING to get out of this text?
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In response to that initial hope, in what ways were you satisfied by the project, and where were you left hanging/wanting more or different information?
Your answer
If you know the author reasonably well, try to take that knowledge out of the picture. Reading the paper with no other context, what is your impression of the author's voice? Examples include but are not limited to: level of formality/conversationality; authoritative (knowledgeable and confident--for better or for worse :) ) v. lacking credibility or coming across as timid); colorful and energetic v. bland and difficult to engage; cool and/or objective v. warm and personally tied to the content/audience. Etc. How do you think you would you read this person if you were picking up the text "blind" in Special Collections 20 or 30 years from now?
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What is your FAVORITE thing about this project in terms of what it's DOING?
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What is your FAVORITE thing about this project in terms of how it's WRITTEN?
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What most impeded your reading of this project? (In other words, where were you most confused, distracted, bored, frustrated, etc., and why?)
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If the author had to change ONE thing about this paper before submitting the final draft, what should that one thing be? (In general, focus on big things--a claim that isn't proven; an idea that's just not interesting; a place that has potential to be interesting but doesn't "go anywhere" in this draft; etc. Do not nit-pick about grammar! If recurring style issues are distracting, you may note specific patterns.)
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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