New Student Survey (2023-24)
Welcome to Bowman! Bowman counselors would like to get to know you and offer the appropriate academic and personal supports to ensure your success.  Thank you.
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Last Name *
First Name *
Cell Number *
Current Grade *
What do you use to complete your school work? Choose all that apply. *
Please check any that you NEED *
Do you want to return to your home school to graduate?  If so, please make sure you communicate with Rocio or Lizbeth by email or text. *
How will you get to school each day? *
What is your favorite thing about school? *
What do you struggle with in school? *
We'd like to offer you the appropriate emotional and academic support you need to be successful. Please check as many as apply to you.
What do you like to do in your free time? *
Is there anything you would like the counselors to know about you? *
Do you require any academic or physical accomodations? *
Do you have any questions for the counselors?
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