BCSDN collecting Good practices of CSO – private sector cooperation for promoting civic space
In an era of shrinking civic space, CSOs need to build coalitions with other stakeholders to ensure broader support for what they aim to achieve and to promote civic space effectively.  Partnering up with other stakeholders beyond our usual suspects, such as trade unions, religious communities, informal activists and groups, and businesses, seems more important than ever.
BCSDN aims to collect good examples of cooperation between civil society and the private sector to bring positive change in our communities, inspiring and lessons learned for other CSOs. The examples should go beyond mobilization of resources and corporate giving but focus on joint initiatives or actions implemented in partnership between the CSOs and the private sector directed to achieving concrete change.
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Please state the Name of your organization
Please state the Name of the partners involved from the private sector
What was the aim of your collaboration?
What were the main activities?
What did you achieve?
When did this happen?
What were your key lessons learnt?
Was there any follow-up? If yes, please state what was it
Please insert your email if you agree we contact you in case we need more information
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