Kairos Homeschool Services- Homeschool Consulting Questionnaire 

Please complete this form at least a week before your consulting appointment if possible. I understand that last-minute bookings may be necessary, but providing this information as soon as you can will help me better serve your needs.

Important Notes:
  • I offer consulting services exclusively for Virginia homeschoolers and cannot advise on homeschooling matters outside of Virginia.
  • I am not a lawyer and cannot provide legal advice on custody disputes, conflicts with school systems, or other legal matters. I can, however, offer guidance on understanding Virginia homeschool laws and connect you with resources within the Virginia homeschooling community if needed.
To ensure a productive appointment, please provide as much detail as possible. If a section does not apply or you prefer not to answer, enter "N/A" rather than leaving it blank.

If I need any clarification before our meeting, I will contact you at the email address you provide. If you need to add information, you can email me directly at kairoshomeschoolingservices@gmail.com—please include your name and appointment date in the message.

I look forward to meeting with you soon!
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Email *
Parent/Guardian's Full Name *
Parent's Phone Number   (only one parent contact is necessary) *
Student/Students' Name(s) *
Student/Students' Age(s) *
Student/Students' Current Grade Level(s) 
Educational History: Please detail as much as you can about your student/students' educational history.  Are you and your family new to homeschooling?  Have any of your students been in traditional public/private school before?  What was their previous educational experience like (positive, negative... etc.) and why?   *
What is the basic nature of your consulting need during our appointment? (Choose any/all that apply)
What specific topics and/or questions would you like to discuss during our meeting?  The more detailed you can be, the better, because sometimes advance research is needed on my part in order to help assist you better, so the more I know, the more I can help you in an efficient and thorough manner.  *
Does your student/students have additional educational considerations, such as special needs, learning disabilities, behavioral considerations, etc. - This information is confidential to you and will NOT be disclosed to any outside parties.  
If you've homeschooled before, what sorts of approaches and or curricula worked well for you, and why? What sorts of those things did NOT work well for you, and why?  
Is there anything else you'd like me to know before our meeting?  
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