Waitlist Sign-up Davis AYSO
After registration for a season is closed, Davis AYSO volunteers start a waitlist of additional interested players. To add a player to the waitlist, please complete all required questions on the form. Please submit one form per player.
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What happens after I submit this form?
The Registrar receives a notification and the Division Coach Administrator (DCA) checks to see if there is space in the requested age group. ** You will only be contacted if a space becomes available.**

* The Registrar and DCAs are volunteers. There are over 1500 families in Davis AYSO. Please know they are doing their best to accommodate as many players as practical.
What are the chances of getting moved from the waitlist onto team?
Every age group and every season is different. On Average 50%-75% of waitlisted players are placed onto teams.
Name of the PLAYER *
What year was the player born? YYYY *
Note: Players are grouped based on birth year, not age or grade in school.
What part of Davis are you closest to? EAST, NORTH, SOUTH, or WEST *
Waitlisted players will be offered any available spot. If there are multiple openings, we will try to match to location when possible for the younger age groups.
Do you have an account in the registration system? *
If no, please create an account by starting at davisayso.org and clicking REGISTER NOW
Would you be willing to coach? *
Sometimes an age group needs another coach. In this case, priority for the waitlist is given to families who are able to volunteer to coach.
Name of PARENT *
What is the best contact email for you if a spot opens up? *
If you would like to list more than one email address, please separate them with a comma.
Is there anything else you think we should know about adding your player to the waitlist?
Final Instructions | Please Read
If you have not done so, please make sure that you have an account in the registration system and the player is added as a PARTICIPANT. Visit davisayso.org and click on REGISTER NOW to create a new account, or LOGIN to check that the player has been added to your existing account. If registration for the division is closed, you will see "No programs available" next to the player's name.

Please do not email the registrar to confirm submission of this form. If you need to make corrections, please submit the form again and leave a note in the last quest. There are over 1500 families in Davis AYSO, and one volunteer checking the registrar email.

If you want to coach, please DO SEND and email to rca@davisayso.org and copy registrar@davisasyo.org

For more information about our programs and fees, visit davisayso.org
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