Hi friends. I am researching the topic of seasons - both in the natural world and in our personal lives as well. I am interested to discover "seasons of life" that are somewhat universal to the human experience, as well as seasons that are not as commonly shared. I also want to explore the parallels within our own human experiences to the processes that are found within nature.
This survey is anonymous - your responses will not be linked with you in any way; even I cannot see who has submitted each response.
*** important ***
There are many definitions of the word season when you look it up in a dictionary.
Of course, the most common usage of the word season is in relation to a period of time characterized by a particular climatic feature or marked by a particular activity or event (for example, winter, or the Christmas season). I am more interested in the archaic version of season. There are two definitions to take note of:
1. Season can mean a proper or suitable time ("to everything there is a season").
2. Season can mean an indefinite or unspecified period of time; a while ("this most beautiful soul, who walked with me for a season in this world").
So for the sake of this survey, when I say season, I mean a phase of life where you may or may not notice specific patterns or common features.