Buy Local Certified Program
The Buy Local Certified Program seeks to celebrate businesses that prioritize supporting and investing in the economic growth of the local economy, other chamber members, and to keep “buy local” top of mind.

Applications will be reviewed/approved by the Buy Local Committee. Upon approval, you will receive a letter and window decal for your door or vehicle. If you have multiple Chamber-registered locations, please indicate the number of stickers needed. Certification is valid for two years.
Program Benefits
1. Eligible to be nominated for the Bob Rosa Buy Local Award presented at the Chamber Annual Dinner

2. Eligible to redeem Chamber Certificates (The Chamber Certificate program totaling $30k+/year)

3. Receive a window decal for each business location

4. Receive digital badge for marketing use

5. Listed on the Chamber website

Criterion 1:  My business/organization is a member in good standing with the Wayne County Area Chamber of Commerce. *
Criterion 2: My business/organization owns or leases commercial office, building space or an agricultural property in Wayne County. *
Criterion 3: My business/organization employs ______ Wayne County residents. (Minimum 1 employee or owner) *
Criterion 4: My Business demonstrates its support of the local business community in at least three ways, including but not limited to: (Minimum Pick 3)
Business/Organization: *
Do you want to be added to the Chamber Certificate Program? *
Contact Person *
Email *
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