NMRC Championship Registration Oct 25th, 2024
Event Timing: Friday & Saturday . Team load in  will be available both Thursday PM & Friday AM
Event Address: TBD, Bemidji, MN 56601
Game: FRC's "Crescendo"

This event is for NMRC (Northern Minnesota Robotics Conference) members only. Participants must have paid their years membership dues for the year. They also must complete and submit this conference event registration form.

Note: This year the event will run on Friday only.  We anticipate qualification matches to begin at 9:00am. 

(There will be an "Open" Tournament the following day that is open to any FRC team.)

Questions please contact NMRC President Jesse Frost at (218) 556-8978 or NMRConference@gmail.com
Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
Correo *
Team Number *
Team Name *
What is the Name of your Head Coach/Mentor? *
What is the best e-mail  to contact Head Coach/Mentor? *
What is the best work phone number to contact Head Coach/Mentor? *
What is the best personal/cell phone number to contact Head Coach/Mentor? *
Your team would like to do pit load in on... *
What is the estimated number of students your team will likely bring to the event? (Best Guess) *
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