Open Gym Sign Up
Come Cheer with us! 
4:30-6:30 Owyhee Main Gym

April 16th - Incoming Freshman ONLY
April 23rd - All Athletes Welcome
April 30th - All Athletes Welcome

Fill out the form below if you plan on attending any of our open gyms. 
You will be sent a waiver in advance. Please plan to print it, sign it, and bring it with you to check in!

Athletic clothing, appropriate for stunting or tumbling. Cheer or athletic shoes. Hair pulled back.
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Athlete Name (First & Last) *
Athlete Grade (2025-2026 school year) *
Parent Name (First & Last) *
Parent Email *
We give permission for our athlete to participate in Owyhee Cheerleading Open Gyms, Tryouts, and any events related to Owyhee Cheerleading at Owyhee high School. We realize that such activity involved the potential for injury which is inherent in all sports. We acknowledge that even with the best coaching, supervision, and use of the most advanced protective equipment, injuries are still a possibility. On rare occasions these injuries can be so severe as to result in total disability, paralysis, or even death. We give our consent for coaches or school personnel to use their judgement in securing medical aid and ambulance service. We, the undersigned, understand the dangers of practicing, playing, and participating in sports. We specifically acknowledge we have carefully read and understand this Notice of Risk for student athletes. 
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