I am interested in being a speaker at a future virtual Out Thinkers event
Please fill out this form if you are interested in being a speaker at a future Virtual Out Thinkers event.

Out Thinkers is run by, and on behalf of, Pride in STEM, a charitable trust created to raise the profile of LGBT+ people in STEM.

The virtual event will feature several short videos published on our channels and then an online discussion with the speakers after the videos have been posted.

The video will serve as a way to promote everyday research in STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine) as well as providing an opportunity for LGBTQ+ people to be visible in this growing approach to public engagement.

We want to use the Virtual Out Thinkers as part of our effort to showcase the incredible talent of the LGBTQ+ community in STEM.
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I am interested in being a speaker at a future Out Thinkers event, and I am happy for Pride in STEM to hold this information securely and contact me with information related to future Out Thinkers events. *
Pride in STEM is an inclusive organisation and welcomes everyone at our events - however, we are a charity which aims to support and raise the profile of LGBT+ people in STEM. Therefore we require that all of our speakers identify as a member of LGBT+ community. *
So that we can represent our community with a range of diverse speakers, please can you tell us a little bit about yourself, in particular, your sexual orientation and gender identity (you may wish to voluntarily share if you are a member of any minority groups)
First name *
Last name *
What topics would you like to speak about? *
Which area(s) of STEM would your talk fall under?
Please note your current sector of employment *
Where are you based? (e.g. city, region, country) *
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