Teen Membership Form
We're so glad that you are a part of Autistics United! Please let us know a little bit more about you. A caregiver, friend, helper or parent can help you fill this form out or complete it on your behalf. Do what works best for you! :)
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Full teen's name? *
Full parent/guardian's name? *
Teen's age? *
Teen's birthday? *
Is your child formally diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum? (We welcome all people regardless of a diagnosis.) *
Does your child have a preferred communication style? (check all that apply)
What are your child's sensory triggers? What is their sensory profile? (check all that apply)
Does your child have any emotional triggers or pet peeves that we should know about? (to make the group as safe and comfortable as possible) (it's okay if you don't know)
What would your child like to learn more about? (check all that apply)
Any other thoughts, ideas, concerns?
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