Natural Science. U4. Plants
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The stem is the part of the plant that... *
1 point
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The leaves are the parts of the plant that... *
1 point
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The roots are the part of the plant that... *
1 point
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The flower is the part of the plant that... *
1 point
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This is grass. It is thin and bendy. *
1 point
This is a tree. It has a thick, hard stem called a trunk. *
1 point
Deciduous trees lose their leaves in autumn. *
1 point
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Tick the evergreen trees *
2 points
What are the petals of the flower? *
1 point
What are the sepals of the flower? *
1 point
What are the seeds? *
1 point
What are the stamens of the flower? *
1 point
Tick the fruits that have only one seed. *
2 points
Non-flowering plants, like ferns and mosses, reproduce with: *
1 point
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Tick the non-flowering plants *
2 points
Plants need air, sunlight, soil and _______ to grow well.   *
1 point
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Plants are... *
1 point
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