Harper Robson Rainbow Readers Cruise Signed Paperback Order Form
Ahoy, Mateys! 

I can't wait to set sail with you on the Rainbow Readers Cruise in August!  

This form is ONLY for those who will be on the Rainbow Readers Cruise. 

You can find more info on my books at www.harperrobson.com

Because we need to organize getting the books shipped to Florida (and then onto the actual ship), I can only take pre-orders until June 3rd, 2024, so make sure you order before then! (I'll only have a VERY small number of books for sale on the trip (seriously, I don't pack light at the best of times - I have no idea how I'd fit a bunch of books in my suitcase as well as all my other crap!)

**Orders will be finalized and invoices will be sent out no later than June 4th, 2024
**Details on when/how to pick up your orders will follow once they are confirmed
**Email me at harper@harperrobson.com if you have any questions!

***You might notice some of my books are missing - the cover designer for those books is no longer working, so paperbacks of The Night Before and A Clean Slate aren't available at the moment, but if you really want one of those, just let me know, and I'll figure out a way to get one to you once they're finally ready!

Thanks, and I can't wait to see you soon!

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