2021 Home for the Holidays Parade
Help us celebrate the holiday season in Georgetown, KY at the Annual Home for the Holidays Parade.

Saturday, December 3rd at 6:00 pm
Theme: "Christmas on the Farm"

1. Check-in begins at 5pm at the field beside the George W. Bush Fitness Center. Every Unit Leader is REQUIRED to check-in prior to the parade!
2. Georgetown Police Department recommends ALL parade vehicles and parent drop offs enter off of Clayton Avenue. This is to help with feet on the street safety.

Entry into the parade is completely FREE. The following awards will be given to both a youth and adult entry in each category.:
- Spectacular Sparkles, float entry presenting an outstanding display of lights
- Magic Spirit Performance, any entry who conducts an extremely entertaining performance
- Jingle All The Way, most appealing marching/walking group

** Don’t forget the official Santa Claus ushers in the holiday with the “Official Lighting of the Tree” immediately following the parade.

**Emails are required by unit leader/individual participant to communicate information prior to the event. Be sure to check regularly for an email from tourgeorgetown@gmail.com.
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