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Online Quiz Based on Global Wind Day June15, 2021
Organised by
NSS and Quiz Club
MES Asmabi College, P.Vemballur
Only 14 questions in this quiz
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1 What is the earliest recorded use for windmills?
1 point
1Generating electricity
2Pimping water
4Grinding grain
2 which of these is not a part of a modern wind turbine?
1 point
1 Compressor
2 Gear box
3 Nacelle
4 Yaw drive
3 winds are the initiated by ---------
1 point
1 Gravity
2 Friction
3 Pressure gradient
4 Centrifugal force
4 Which are the most constant, reliable and steady winds ?
1 point
1 Polar fasterlies
2 Westerlies
3 Trade winds
4 Polar front
5 how many blades in a modern wind turbine ?
1 point
6 Wind energy is a ................ energy
1 point
1 Renewable
2 Non- renewable
3 conventional
4 commercial
7 How much power can produce a small scale wind machine ?
1 point
18 kw
12 kw
2 kw
30 kw
8 Which of the following is the most destructive ?
1 point
1 Cyclone
2 Tornada
3 Typhoon
4 willy- willy
9 The dry wind 'Santa Anna' blows in
1 point
1 Sibaia
2 Argentina
3 California
4 Switraland
10 Mistral is a --------
1 point
1 Warm- most local wind
2 Hot dry local wind
3 Warm day local wind
4 Dry local wind
11 What is the strong, dry and hot wind that blows from the hot interior of the Sahara desert
1 point
1 Bora
2 Sukhovey
3 Sirocco
4 Buran
12 What is the cold and violent wind in the Rhone valley of France called ?
1 point
1 Chinook
2 Mistral
3 Nor'easter
4 Sirocco
13 what is a dust or sand storm that occurs in northern and Central Sudan called ?
1 point
1 Sirocco
2 Bad luck
3 Mistral
4 Ha-boob
14 What is the sudden change in horizontal or vertical wind speed or directions over a short distance ?
1 point
1 Vortex
2 Wind shear
3 Jet stream
4 Dolodrums
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