Spring Term 25 -   Out and About New Starters
Please use this form to book onto Questbusters class for the Spring term 2025

Spring Term Dates (13 Weeks Total):

[1] Monday 6th January  - Sunday 23rd February (7 weeks)

      HALF TERM - Monday 24th February -- Sunday 2nd March

[2]  Monday 3rd March - Sunday 13th April ( 6 weeks)
  • You can pay a one off direct payment using Go Cardless 
  • or by PayPal
  • or to the tutor by card in school
  • or by cash (please put the correct payment in a sealed envelope labelled with your full name/class)
When sending payment through PayPal/GoCardless please reference for whom and which class you are sending payment for to avoid any confusion.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please select the class that you are booking your child onto:
Participant Name *
Further Information. Please use this space for any additional information you think we may need, including any support needs or medical information such as allergies. *
Date of birth *
Post Code
Contact email for communication about classes *
Parent Contact Number *
Emergency Contact Name & Number *
 I consent for the above named person to take part in Dance Blast classes. I hereby grant full consent to the Dance Blast staff to act in 'Loco Parentis' in respect of my son/daughter/ward during Dance Blast classes. I understand the words "Loco Parentis" to mean that the Dance Blast staff shall have authority with regard to behaviour and welfare. *
Please confirm that you give permission for Dance Blast to record and take photographs during this class. By agreeing to this you are giving permission for photos to be used in the following ways: Press, Website, Email Newsletters, Reports, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Posters, Leaflets. *
In order to comply with data protection law, we are required to have your permission to keep your details on our database. We will never share your details with any other organisation or individual. You can ask for your data to be removed at any time. We ask your permission for the following, please confirm or deny these below: *
Emails regarding children's classes
Emails regarding adult's classes
Emails regarding special events and activities at the Dance Centre
Email you regarding your children's classeson and annual showcase information
Telephone/text you regarding short notice class changes
How did you find out about Dance Blast? *
Thank you.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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