GMP OWG MT 2020/2021 Racer Signups
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Please list your gamertag. *
What is your discord tag? Please include your name and 4-digit number (ie. Gamer#1337) *
Do you intend to participate in the whole tournament? *
Briefly summarize a self-assessment of your skill level and racing experience in No Glitches randomizer or NMG ALttP. Use Shift+Enter to add line breaks if needed.
Briefly summarize a self-assessment of your skill level and experience in Glitched randomizer and speedrunning. If you have played more than one OWG seed without help, consider volunteering as a Mentor or Commentator instead. Use Shift+Enter to add line breaks if needed.
Do you play on keyboard or controller?
What is your time zone? (ie. EDT, CEST, PST etc) *
What time frame(s) are generally ideal for you to do anything ALTTPR related? Please answer in time ranges and specify time zone. (ie. 8:00pm-10pm weeknights or 20:00-22:00 weeknights) *
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