Western Association of Map Libraries 2022 Call for Submissions
The Western Association of Map Libraries will host this year's virtual conference on Monday, September 19th and Tuesday, September 20th. Please use this form to submit your presentation information before the deadline of **Friday, August 12th**. Submissions will be reviewed and presenters will be contacted by Friday, August 19th.
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First and last name(s) *
First and last names of each presenter
Institutional affiliation(s) *
Provide each institutional affiliation(s)
Contact email *
Please provide an email address for the primary contact
Presentation format *
Select the presentation format(s) for your submission. If you are willing to do either a 20 minute presentation or a 5 minute lightening talk, you can select both. 

Please indicate how long you need if you choose the "Other" option. We ask that it be a longer a 40 minute presentation or 10 minute lightning talk for scheduling purposes.
Topical categories
[Optional] Select all topical categories that apply to your submission. Add a new topic if needed. These will be used to facilitate grouping of similar presentations during the conference.
Submission title *
Submission abstract *
Provide an abstract of up to 500 words. 
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