Interactions on Academic Performance
This is a survey that collects data on how the number/type of interactions you have relate to and affect your academic performance.
All responses will be used for research purposes only.
Average survey completion time: 5 minutes
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Email *
What is your grade level? *
What is your current overall GPA? *
How often do you interact with your instructors outside of lecture/class? (includes TAs and professor) *
How often do you interact with your peers/classmates outside of lecture/class? *
How comfortable do you feel approaching professors? *
(optional) If you chose on the comfortable side, what are the reasons you interact with professors?
(optional) If you chose on the uncomfortable side. what are some reasons you don't?
How comfortable do you feel approaching relatively new classmates (either for help or social reasons)? *
(optional) If on the comfortable side, what are some of the reasons?
(optional) If on the uncomfortable side, what are some of the reasons you don't?
Which of these resources have you used? *
How many peers/classmates do you consider to be part of your social network? *
Are you satisfied with the amount of peers/classmates in your social network? *
How do the interactions you have affect your academic performance? *
Yes, very positively: Improved performance a lot
Yes, mildly positive: Improved performance somewhat
No effect on performance
Yes, mildly negative: Lowered performance somewhat
Yes, very negative: Harmed performance
Not sure
With Peers
With instructors
Thanks for your time to read and fill in the responses. I hope you have a great day! If you have any questions/comments or suggestions for improvement, feel free to express them below. Or if you want to share any stories!
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