Ease + Enchantment Day Application 2024
An Ease + Enchantment Day is for ambitious nurturers who are ready to give themselves permission to allow more ease and enchantment into their life. Join me in New Mexico for a full day of deep nourishment for your mind, body, and soul!

To apply for your own Ease + Enchantment Day, please answer the questions below and be as specific as you can. Your answers are confidential and will only be seen by me (Stacy).

After you've completed the application, I will get in touch with you to schedule a 30-minute alignment call where we'll get to know each other better and make sure that an Ease + Enchantment Day is right for you. If it is, I'll share available dates and we'll schedule your special day.
Hi there. What's your first and last name? *
What is your email address? *
How did you hear about Ease + Enchantment Days? If someone told you about them, please share their name - I'd love to thank them. *
What is it about an Ease + Enchantment Day that interests you? *
Currently, what are your biggest challenges? *
What do you want instead? *
How would you rate your current level of Ease? Ease = “absence of difficulty or effort.” *
Ease? WTF is that?
My life is full of ease.
How would you rate your current level of Enchantment? Enchantment= “a feeling of great pleasure; delight.” *
No enchantment whatsoever.
I'm constantly connected to a sense of enchantment, awe, and wonder.
How good are you at tending to your own needs? *
Needs? What needs?
I'm excellent at knowing exactly what I need and making it happen right away.
Take a deep breath. Imagine you have a magic wand and that you're living a life that's filled with moments of ease and enchantment. Describe who you are. Be as specific as you can. What are you like? What do you do with your time? How do you feel? *
What could more ease and enchantment create for you? Why is that important to you? *
What scares you the most about having your own Ease + Enchantment Day? *
What excites you the most about having your own Ease + Enchantment Day? *
If we're new to each other: What are you looking for in a coach? What makes you think that Stacy might be the right coach for you?
What else would you like to share or ask Stacy?
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