Grade 7 Heat transfer homework
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The questions ask about conduction, convection and radiation. Choose the most appropriate answer. You'll get feedback on how well you did when you have done the quiz.
1. How does heat move in solids ? *
1 point
2. How does heat move in liquids? *
1 point
3. How does heat move in gases? *
1 point
4. How does heat travel across space ? *
1 point
5. Black objects are better at transferring heat by ...... than white objects. *
1 point
6. In a sauna, the seat should be wood not metal because of: *
1 point
7. An insulator of heat is bad at: *
1 point
8.  A bird will fluff up its feathers to keep warm. This traps air and reduces *
1 point
9.   A bonfire will keep you warm by: *
1 point
10.   Which of these need  particles to transfer heat energy: *
1 point
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