The Haus of Dogs Foster Application
Location: 9657 Firdale Ave.,
                  Edmonds, WA 98020
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Applications with incomplete answers will not be considered. Answers cannot be edited once submitted so please read and answer carefully. Multiple applications from the same household will not be considered.
First and last name of every adult in your household, including those who are not related to you: *
How did you hear about our foster program? *
Date of Birth (applicants must be at least 18 years of age): *
Email is the primary means of communication used by THoD. Please provide a valid email address: *
Contact number (no hyphens, just numbers please): *
Best time to call for a phone briefing: *
Emergency contact (first and last name): *
Emergency contact (telephone number): *
Emergency contact's relationship to you: *
Address (street): *
Address (city): *
Address (state): *
Address (zip): *
Is your place of residence owned or rented? If rented, please provide full name, telephone number and email address of owner/management company. *
Do you live in an apartment or house? *
Does your house have a fenced yard? Respond N/A if you live in an apartment. *
Is the fence at least 6ft high? *
Is your yard partially or fully fenced? *
Activity level in your household. *
On average, how many hours per day will your foster dog be left home? *
How many days per week does this apply to? *
When left home alone, your foster dog will be: *
List any physical and/or mental limitations, medical conditions or allergies that could affect your ability to foster. *
How many adults are in your household? Please specify gender (some dogs are skittish around fe/male). *
Are all resident adults agreeable to you being a foster? *
How many children in your household? *
Please list the age(s) of the child(ren). *
Please list all current pets in your home. Please list canine’s breed and weight, if any. *
Foster dogs need to be picked up at an assigned location closest to you and dropped off at THoD at the end of the foster period. How would you travel to said locations? *
A dog typically gets adopted within 3 weeks but in the event that s/he doesn’t, would you be able to continue fostering the dog until s/he is adopted or until a replacement foster is secured for him/her? *
Part of a foster's responsibilities is to drop off the dog at The Haus of Dogs for meet and greet sessions with potential adopters, and pick up the dog after, if the dog is not adopted. Are you able to do this? *
Have you fostered or volunteered at an animal shelter? *
If yes, please list the name, city and state of the shelter, and the year(s) you fostered or volunteered.
Do you have experience in dog walking, dog training, dog grooming, dog sitting, dog boarding? Please list in detail below: *
Do you have experience handling large breeds? Please list breed(s) and describe experience in detail. *
Do you have experience handling bully breeds? Please list breed and describe experience in detail. *
Are you able to walk/manage dogs 50lbs or heavier without assistance? *
What are your thoughts on bully breeds?  *
Please list all breeds of dogs you have had and currently own. Please include all other resident pets. *
Do you travel often and/or have upcoming travel plans we should know about? *
If yes, please list dates of travel below:
I am current on my tetanus immunization. *
I have medical insurance. *
What is your t-shirt size? *
Employer name and contact number (current or most recent, if retired or currently unemployed). If self-employed, please state your company name: *
Veterinarian name and contact number (current or most recent, if no longer having a pet) *
1 professional reference. Please provide their company name and contact number.  *
1 personal reference. Please provide contact number and specify your relationship to said person. *
What do you hope to achieve from being a foster? *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, other than a minor traffic violation? If yes, please explain the charges and circumstances. *
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