Community Letter in Support of TGX Youth
Dear community,
Please sign the letter below to show your love and support for our transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive children and youth. We will keep updating and displaying your support on our website on an ongoing basis - it may take several day for your name to appear as a signer.


Open letter in support of our trans and gender diverse children and youth

To our community,

There are currently 434 bills in 41 states (as of March 31, 2024 - date and number will be updated weekly) in this country that seek to block transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive (TGX) people from receiving basic healthcare, education, legal recognition, and the right to exist publicly. This number does not include the current efforts that target trans students in our own community. These bills especially target TGX youth and are deeply informed by the spreading of misinformation about TGX individuals.

Statistics show that transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive youth, along with those who are intersex, are more likely to experience bullying, harassment, and adverse mental health outcomes compared to their cisgender peers.

However, the impact of acceptance and support of TGX youth is significant. Studies show that transgender and nonbinary youth who reported gender identity acceptance from at least one adult had 33% lower odds of reporting a past-year suicide attempt. This number increases to 49% with acceptance from additional adults in their lives.

In the spirit of solidarity, we call upon our larger community to support and uplift our TGX and our lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBQIA) youth who also face similar struggles. It is imperative that we recognize and respect the rights of transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive students. We affirm that they have the right to use facilities and participate in activities consistent with their authentic gender identity. We also affirm that they have a right to privacy and self-determination regarding how and when they share who they are, as recently affirmed by California Attorney General Rob Bonta. We must ensure that their correct pronouns and chosen names are respected and that they can express themselves authentically without fear of judgment or discrimination.

We urge our larger community to join us in creating a culture of acceptance, inclusion, and love for all LGBTQIA+ youth and ask that you take part in one or more of the following actions:

  1. Sign on to this letter of support. Share it with your friends, colleagues, and neighbors.

  2. Educate yourself and those around you about TGX needs and experiences.

  3. Support local LGBTQ+ organizations that are doing life-saving work for TGX youth by joining their advocacy efforts or making a financial contribution.

Through these actions, we can take steps to make our community a better place for all LGBTQIA+ youth. Let us listen to their voices, honor their experiences, and advocate for their rights and well-being. Together, we can ensure that every LGBTQIA+ youth knows they are perfect exactly as they are and that our world is infinitely better because of them.

---------------------------------------------------- End Letter

If you have any questions, please reach out to  us

The Collaborate PASadena team

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