'Reconciling the Past, Building the Future: Regional Political Youth Network Conference for Young Politicians and Activists' 10-13 May 2023, Belgrade
Who can apply?
Members of youth organizations of political parties and young activists coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia. 

Attending the conference does not require Political Youth Network membership.

We encourage organizations to send to the conference their younger members who have so far not had the opportunity to network internationally with their peers.

The conference will take place in Belgrade, Serbia from 10 to 13 of May 2023.

Your application must be submitted by April 19, 2023.

Selection criteria
Please have in mind that only one person can represent your political party or organization. The motivation will be the basis for the selection criteria.

Information about logistics
The Youth Initiative for Human Rights will cover all expenses associated with travel, accommodation, and food.

The information you provide in the application will be used exclusively for the purposes of conducting activities within the conference and will not be shared with third parties.

In case you have any questions, please contact  Dorotea Strelec at dorotea.strelec@yihr.org

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