Hays Cheer Booster Club Membership 2024-2025
Membership in the Hays Cheer Booster Club is composed of parents and/or legal guardians of current Hays Cheerleaders/Managers. One booster club membership serves a Cheerleader/Manager's household (one membership per family/one vote per family). Each member must pay an annual membership fee of $150 and complete 10 service hours, which entitles the member to voting rights on specific agenda items deemed necessary by the board (i.e. Budget, Board Elections). Any additional family member can be added to the membership for an additional $50 (they will receive a shirt/vote.) Voting members must be present to vote, or vote by proxy with advance notice via email to the designated HHBC senior parent.

Payment can be made to Hays Cheer Booster Club via check or Venmo. @HaysCheer-Boosters
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Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Cheerleader's Name *
Squad *
What size shirt would you like? (If you are paying for a 2nd membership, please note the size of the 2nd shirt in the question/comment section below.) *
Do you have any questions? Comments? *
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