Enrollment Form
You will receive a copy of your registration response at the email entered below:
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Email *
Who can fill this form:
This form must be filled by a legal guardian of the child being registered.
Full name of the person filling this form: *
Student Information
(Student) Full name: *
(Student) Date of birth:
(Student) Grade being admitted to at SLI: *
(Student) Gmail address for Google Classroom use (must end in @gmail.com): *
Requested start date: *
Primary Contact Information
(must reside with the student)
(Parent 1) Full name: *
(Parent 1) Email: *
(Parent 1) Phone number: *
Secondary Contact
(Parent 2) Full name:
(Parent 2) Email:
(Parent 2) Phone number:
Please specify names of individuals (parents, guardians, or others) responsible for decision-making regarding education matters, and primary contact for school: *
Please specify the name(s) of the person(s) authorized for dropoff and pickup of the student: *
Billing Information
This information will be used to identify payment made by e-transfer and to process receipts.
Please specify names of individuals (parents, guardians, or others) responsible for payment of school fees and / or all dues: *
Please select your fee payment plan: *
Name associated with the account from which fees will be e-transferred: *
Applicable deposit is due on enrolment. Payment may be e-transferred to sidney.ledson@bellnet.ca.
Deposit if paid by the deadline of March 12th, 2024:
  • Kindergarten (JK and SK): $1,656.00
  • Grades 1-6: $1,792.00
  • Preschool: $1,856.00 (only to be submitted on confirmation of program)
Deposit if paid after the deadline of March 12th, 2024:
  • Kindergarten (JK and SK): $1,872.00
  • Grades 1-6: $1,942.00
  • Preschool: $2,006.00 (only to be submitted on confirmation of program)
Agreement to Terms of Service
Please read the Terms of Service:

Should you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to email sidneyledsonschool@gmail.com.
Check to confirm you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of service, linked above. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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