Committee Interest
As we plan for the 2024-2025 school year, we are seeking volunteers to join with the executive board in planning and executing events throughout the year. Involvement and support by the IES community will allow us to hold fun family events and support and enrich our students' learning experience.

Please complete this form to indicate your interest in leading or joining a committee during the 2024-2025 school year.  Committee chairs are the leaders in organizing and planning their specific event(s).  While each committee chair has creative liberty in planning their event, they are not alone in the planning process.  Each committee chair will receive a list of volunteers who have also expressed an interest in helping in their event, as well as an assigned Executive Board member who ensures that all administrative requirements are met (budgeting, special event requests, promotions, etc.). 

Email any questions you may have to
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Please review the list of tentative events and opportunities and indicate your interest below. The events below are in need of a chair as well as a committee. 
I am interested in chairing the selected committees:
I am interested in joining the selected committees:
Fundraising (such as organizing spirit nights and soliciting donations and sponsorships)
Staff Appreciation
Science Night/Math Night/other in-house field trip
Heritage night
Community Sponsorship (Silver Pines Academy partnership, food bank donations, etc.)
Summer Kickoff
Multi-lingual communications
Other (comment below)
Please review the list of tentative events and opportunities and indicate your interest below. These events currently have a chair but are in need of a committee to assist. 
I am interested in joining the selected committees:
Family Dance
Movie Night
5th Grade Celebration
Trunk or Treat
If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the committee list in the previous question, please comment here.
Please share any previous experience you have volunteering or chairing an event.  
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