Reading (v.4-2.2021)
You are  going to read 5 texts. Choose one suitable heading to each text. Choose each heading only one time. One heading is extra.
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1.   Karavay is a round Russian yeast bread usually baked for weddings. It is always richly decorated with a pastry wreath symbolizing wealth. Karavay is seen as a symbol of happiness and wealth. The puffier the karavay is, the happier and richer the newlyweds will be once they have tasted it. It is usually served on an embroidered towel with a little cup of salt on top. *
1 Punkt
2.    Champs-Elysees is one of the most famous places in the world. This Paris avenue stretches 1.17 miles from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde. It is divided into two parts. The lower part is surrounded by gardens, museums, theatres, and a few restaurants. The upper part is the site of luxury shops and hotels, restaurants and pavement cafes, theatres, banks, and offices. *
1 Punkt
3.    There are many buses in Copenhagen, but the fastest way to get from one part of the city to another is by bike. Forty percent of Copenghageners use their bikes every day, and the city has been designed for cyclists with separate bicycle lanes on most large roads. Cyclists are often allowed to ride both ways in one-way streets. This is a common means of a daily transportation. *
1 Punkt
4.    The Tour de France is probably the world's most famous  cycle race. It takes over 23 days and covers over 2,000 miles. Each year the race takes a different route, but the finish is always in Paris with a magnificent sprint down the Champs-Elysees. Although named the Tour de France, the race sometimes takes place in other countries such as Belgium, Italy and Spain. *
1 Punkt
5.     You should visit Oliver's Dinner in Belsize Park. You will find generous portions of traditional fish and chips in this bright and welcoming dining room. They also serve a range of more health-focused food including salads, grilled fish and desserts. You can drink a nice cup of tea or coffee and enjoy the atmosphere of this traditional cafe. *
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