RSVP for Maya Wisdom and the Survival of our Planet
February 27, 2025
6PM Lecture
7PM Reception

James West Alumni Center

For this talk, Lucero will discuss her recent book, Maya Wisdom and the Survival of Our Planet.  She will present its major themes, including the Maya inclusive or non-anthropocentric worldview where they co-exist with nonhumans as part of the world, not separate from it. She will highlight how the ancestral Maya collaborated with nonhumans resulting in a tropical landscape with green cities, rural farmsteads, gardens, fields, biodiverse forests, and sacred places. The Maya sustainably farmed for millennia without destroying their environment and provided tribute to their kings in 100’s of cities. In return, kings performed vital ceremonies and maintained reservoirs through the annual dry season—a balancing act that succeeded for over 1,000 years. Maya insights are vital for the survival of our planet and call for collaborating with rather than dominating the nonhuman world, and their traditional knowledge provides concrete solutions to sustainably address climate change and environmental degradation. Maya resilience is a testament for how to move forward, and my book provides a roadmap for families to global corporations on how to do so.

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