RFFC Network Meetup - July 12
Mark your calendar for the next RFFC Network Meetup!

Friday July 12, 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Sous Chef, 1311 SW Adams St., Peoria, IL

Don't miss the quarterly opportunity to gather with the growing Regional Fresh Food Council network to share your food and farm projects and programs, challenges, opportunities, and build more partnerships to build an accessible and sustainable regional food system.

Have something you want to share with the group?  Please take a quick moment to let us know below.

We also encourage you to bring a local food favorite to share!  A local veggie, fruit, bread, jam jelly, or any snack that highlights a local producer.  Thirty-Thirty Coffee will be provided.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Are you planning to attend the meeting? *
Do you have a current project, program, resource, or general announcement you wish to share with everyone?
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