ALL ONE THING: Partner Interest Form
Interested in bringing your business, creative idea, class or other cool thing to All One Thing location near you!? Fill out this form to tell us a bit more!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
City / State:
Please indicate which AOT location(s) you are most interested in.
Other City:
Don't see your city as an AOT location yet, list it here! 
Business / Venture / Project: 
Tell us about what you want to bring into the AOT space. Open to all ideas!
Website or some way we can learn more about your work (optional)
Space - Square Footage Needed / Offered: 
If you are coming to us: much square footage do you need at our location? Or if you have space to offer: how much square footage do you have available? If offering a location, how much parking do you have? Any zoning or special restrictions? Max Capacity?
Special Considerations: 
Anything you would need specifically for your space? Drainage, sinks, access to outdoor space, giant wall space, etc. 
Frequency of use / hours: 
Please indicate if you are more pop-up event style, M-F normal business hours, weekends only, etc. 
Anything else you want to share? 
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